Feline Friday: Puppy Cats

Not so long ago, Carla and I were talking about our critters (her dog Tosh and my cat Jack) and discussing the fact that they are more like each other than other dogs and cats, respectively, and we decided because of their sins that they are Puppy Cats (rather than Kitty Dogs).

Whatever they are, they are related to each other.

Feline Friday: Do your yoga

Growing up whenever we announced to our mother that "we were bored" she would ask if we had read all the National Geographic magazines in the house, because once we had, then we were allowed to be bored.

Today, if either Carla or I mention any sort of ailment or discomfort, or annoyance our mother either asks us "have you been doing your yoga?" or tells us "do you yoga".

Well, Jack says, "I do my yoga!" am I allowed to be bored yet?

Feline Friday: Inverted Feline Maneuver

When I lived in Austin, one of the houses I called home was 1171 Graham St.  In that tiny house lived four people and two cats, Dante and Maia. Dante was this big black cat who was a big suck who loved to play with the laser pointer. One of the things he would do was walk up to you, headbutt you on the ankle and some how turn that into a flip that would have him on his back across your feet.  His favorite time to do this was when you were cooking in the kitchen, so he got stepped on, a whole lot.  Now that I'm telling you this I can't really remember if it was Dante or Maia who did this most often, although I am certain that it was Maia who would sleep in my dresser drawers if I left my door open. (I did check with my roommates and it was Dante who did this. He has since passed away. I liked that cat, and I think he is part of the reason why I wanted to get my own.  Jack and Dante are kindred spirits in many ways.)

Jack has invented his own inverted feline maneuver, which mostly involves sleeping upside down on stuff.  I guess he trusts me!
