Welcome Back Spring

As spring is slowly returning to Muskoka, and we are keeping a watchful eye on the water levels (last spring we had some pretty devastating flooding) it is becoming increasingly apparent that this is a month of change.

There is even less snow now, this picture is from a week or so ago.

On a professional front, I've left my position of nearly two years with a local charity.  While I enjoyed my time there, it was time for a change and to pursue a path that more closely follows my educational background.  While I hunt around for full-time employment, I have a position doing contract and project-based work in the area.  I'm also ramping up my teaching schedule (dates to be released very soon) and will be taking the occasional shift at my local yarn store here in Bracebridge.

If this wasn't enough, I've been working with my sister Carla, of Georgian Bay Fibre Co., to help develop and tech edit her patterns.  Turns out I have a knack for the technical side of knitting and quite enjoy this aspect of the pattern creation process. I also have a few patterns rattling around in my brain.  On top of that, I will be doing some blogging for her, we are still working out the frequency and topic, but look for me there, starting soon.

On the fiber craft front, I have a new friend, a 25" Schacht Flip Rigid Heddle Loom.  I've named her Elsa, and I've finally named my little 10" Schacht Cricket Loom and her name is Anna.  In other news, I watched Frozen and loved it.  You wanna build a snowman?

Jack (the cat) is quickly become more cat that kitten.  While he still enjoys chewing through expensive iPod and Macbook cables, he is acting more like grownup cat every day.  Also, I don't think he realizes how big he has become, as he still wants to hid under Anna (the Cricket Loom) when she is all warped up.  Also, his new favorite activity seems to be sitting on my keyboard, or arms, when I'm trying to get computer work done.

How about you, is April bringing change to your life?  Or are you just excited for for a little stability in your life?