FO: Apricot Scrubber

Apricot Scrubbers

I wanted to learn something new, and thankfully for someone like me who lives in the middle of nowhere who can't take classes at an LYS, Craftsy exists. I enrolled in the Tunisian Crochet class with Jennifer Hanson (Stitch Diva) and while I can't see it as my primary craft, I enjoyed Tunisian Crochet and Jennifer is an excellent teacher.

This is my swatch/washcloth, and I'm already planning my next project, because I want to make sure I keep knowing how to do it.

- Details -

Project Name: Apricot Scrubber

Pattern: Tunisian Crochet Spa Cloth by Jennifer Hanson for Craftsy

Recipient: The Box/not sure yet

Yarn: Paton Grace in Apricot


  • None, I figured I should follow the rules when learning a new technique

New Skills:

  • Tunisian Simple Stitch
  • Tunisian Knit Stitch
  • Tunisian Purl Stitch
  • Tunisian Crochet


  • Yarn - Thank goodness I'm finally done with this yarn, it has been hanging over me since I started knitting in 2007.
  • Pattern - Jennifer is an excellent teacher and the Craftsy platform is an interesting way to distance learn techniques

Re-Crochet?: Nope, but I will keep going with these techniques to learn more about it

WIP Wednesday: April 18th

I had a fairly busy weekend so not much fiber art-ing happened, and there have been no changes to the stole or spinning in the past week.  Both the socks are coming along although they need to speed up considerably for either pair to be finished by the end of the month. I have 8 of 12 repeats done on the cowl and so that should be finished up in a night or two of focused work.

I am nearly done with the cloth I have on the loom right now.  I am finally getting my selvages looking good and balanced between sloppy and too drawn-in.  I totally messed up the warp tension on this, however I am pressing on and learning the proper techniques (note to self, don't finger comb the warp before it is tied onto the fabric beam and get a better warp separator).

At the very top are some rolags I made this morning with the hand cards I picked up many moons ago.  I downloaded a whole bunch of Interweave videos this past week, one of which is the How I Card video that highlights 4 different handcarding techniques.  While watching the video I finally got the nerve to break out the handcards and some Cormo fleece I got from bohoknitterchic and start carding.  I am really loving the rolags and I will probably be swapping out my bobbins so that I can start spinning them.

I have heard rumors it is going to be a nasty weekend so I may get some good hands-on fiber time and finish up a few projects (and maybe start a few others, my tatting showed up on Monday).

WIP Wednesday: November 9th

Ugh, today was not a day for pictures, the days are short and today was so very grey and dark, ugh. So I have doubled the size of the Baby Ripples since last week, and no change on the Cowl, although I know I need to focus on it or it will be a WIP forever (and make me crazy) so I think I may take a break from crochet to finish off the cowl so I can rock through a few different pairs of colorwork mittens I have in my queue.

Also, this weekend I am hoping to build a lightbox with my sister, so we don't have to miss any future WIP Wednesday pictures due to Expected Acts of Winter.

FO: Dishcloths for Grannie

I was over at my grandparent's house back in January and while my grandparents and parents played bridge I did the dishes.  I found the dishcloths to be in a sorry state (faded and stretched out). In order to start repaying all the kindness (and meals) my grandparents have given me, I decided to make them more dishcloths.

I got Bernat cotton from Wally-World, a big ball o' cotton yarn, and managed to get 10 full cloths out of the 340g ball. Well, there was about 5 yards of yarn left.

Project Name: Dishcloths for Grannie

Pattern: Traditional, first knitting pattern I learned

Recipient: Grannie

Yarn: Bernat Handicrafters Cotton Naturals (340g) in Earth Ombre


  • Made each of them 50 stitches at the widest point
  • Added a crocheted loop made out of tail yarn

New Skills:

  • Not a one, this pattern was the first one I ever made, and the only thing I knit for the first year or so.

Feedback: Solid pattern, and the yarn pooled really nicely

Re-Knit?: Probably, it is a great project to just have on the go and to do when doing trail pass checks.