Back at my desk

I know lots of you went back to work last week, but one of the things about being funemployed/freelance is that you work when there is work to do and you get to take the time you want when you want it (if the work agrees with you taking a break).

So here I am back at my desk.

I think I know where to start ...

Although I want to just curl up like Jack, that just doesn't work. 

Fresh air and exercise are a much better way to start your day and they do a world of good for my physical and mental health.

On 2015 and Looking Forward

Well, the first full day of the year has nearly passed and I'm finally at my computer to write out this year's goals.

Looking forward and looking back on the Muskoka River

You can see my goals for the last few years, some have been proscriptive and long, other years have been more relaxed.  I think this year is going to be a relaxed goal year because I have a sneaking suspicion that at the end of the year I'm going to be having one of those "well, you can't believe the year I've had" kind of posts.

So for this year my goals are as follows - 

Knit socks, lots of socks, and any other patterns that inspire me.

Spin & weave as much as I can without it feeling like a chore.

Keep the stashing to a minimum, but buy and use the yarns that inspire me.

Work on other crafts like cross stitch, needlepoint, tatting and crochet, to keep my fingers and my brain working.

Blog more - because I enjoy doing it and I think you folks out there enjoy reading it.

That's it.

I think keeping it simple and focusing on the experience, rather than the numbers, will make for an enjoyable year.  So here's to 2015, another exciting year when exciting things are bound to happen.

Winter is Coming

While we didn't get whalloped in Bracebridge the way others did, I'm looking at you Carla, winter did make an appearance today.

Thankfully as a knitter we just think of a snowy afternoon as an excuse to hunker down with a nice mug of tea, some knitting and a good movie or podcast.  

However seeing as it is only November 13th, its going to be a long winter because the forecast doesn't show a stop to the snow anytime soon.

Now if only I had managed to get my snowtires on my car before this started. However, I do keep my snow brush in my car year round.  Must be a Canadian thing.

So, here's to winter, and snowshoeing and skiing and sledding and the ice trail in Arrowhead Provincial Park. There are some pretty awesome things about winter, I just need to be reminding myself of them.

Also speaking of a change in the weather, my classes have returned to Muskoka Yarn Connection. I will be teaching Rigid Heddle Weaving 101 on Saturday, November 22nd.  Call Michele at MYC to register.

A little Frolic in the city

Living in Muskoka/Parry Sound, getting down to the city (Toronto) happens for special occasions and for trips to Ikea.  Okay, that is GTA/Vaughn, but everything south of Barrie is "city" to me.

On the third weekend in April we take a trip down to the city (that nearly always involves a stop at Ikea) for the Downtown Knit Collective's Knitter's Frolic.  A one-day yarn market extravaganza, this event is a great way to get your hands on some of those special indie hand dyers that you don't always see at our small LYSs around here.

This year's Frolic yarn goodies.  Up top, Merino/Nylon sock yarn from Rain City Knits in Graffiti (I'm thinking a pair of Hermione's Everyday Socks by Erica Lueder) and then three skeins of Turtlepurl Yarns for some stripe-y vanilla socks. The skein in the middle (sparkly red and black) is for my mom.

This year was particularly fun because Carla and I met up with some friends and we brought along our mom, who bought her very first skein of yarn (for me to knit up for her, because she isn't quite ready for socks).  The only disappointment was that Tanis, of Tanis Fiber Arts, wasn't able to make it this year.  She did send lots of yarn to the Purple Purl, I really like to get my indie yarns straight from the source, so I picked up a couple of skeins of sock yarn from her new website on Sunday morning.

Meeting up with lots of Rav friends, we had lunch with Rayna, a good friend of many years, and Shireen, a new friend who shares a love of Georgian Bay and Rigid Heddle weaving. (Go check out both of their blogs, lots of fun yarn-y goodness within).

I'm already looking forward to next year!

Welcome Back Spring

As spring is slowly returning to Muskoka, and we are keeping a watchful eye on the water levels (last spring we had some pretty devastating flooding) it is becoming increasingly apparent that this is a month of change.

There is even less snow now, this picture is from a week or so ago.

On a professional front, I've left my position of nearly two years with a local charity.  While I enjoyed my time there, it was time for a change and to pursue a path that more closely follows my educational background.  While I hunt around for full-time employment, I have a position doing contract and project-based work in the area.  I'm also ramping up my teaching schedule (dates to be released very soon) and will be taking the occasional shift at my local yarn store here in Bracebridge.

If this wasn't enough, I've been working with my sister Carla, of Georgian Bay Fibre Co., to help develop and tech edit her patterns.  Turns out I have a knack for the technical side of knitting and quite enjoy this aspect of the pattern creation process. I also have a few patterns rattling around in my brain.  On top of that, I will be doing some blogging for her, we are still working out the frequency and topic, but look for me there, starting soon.

On the fiber craft front, I have a new friend, a 25" Schacht Flip Rigid Heddle Loom.  I've named her Elsa, and I've finally named my little 10" Schacht Cricket Loom and her name is Anna.  In other news, I watched Frozen and loved it.  You wanna build a snowman?

Jack (the cat) is quickly become more cat that kitten.  While he still enjoys chewing through expensive iPod and Macbook cables, he is acting more like grownup cat every day.  Also, I don't think he realizes how big he has become, as he still wants to hid under Anna (the Cricket Loom) when she is all warped up.  Also, his new favorite activity seems to be sitting on my keyboard, or arms, when I'm trying to get computer work done.

How about you, is April bringing change to your life?  Or are you just excited for for a little stability in your life?