FO: Tokyo Cowl

Note: I have had this project done since October and this is the only photo I have of it, from Instagram and from the fall.  The post has been written since late last year, but I needed to get it out of my drafts folder.


This was a spontaneous project, I saw a cowl Carla had made and I figured it would be a good use for the skein of Groovy that had been sitting in my stash for far too long.  When I had originally ordered the yarn (we don't have a decent LYS less than 2 hrs from where I live, so I order 99% of my yarn online) it came a different color that I had expected.  It is a very nice color, but it was basically the color of my peachy skin rather than the nice cream I had been expecting.

After having it live in my stash for nearly 2 years it was time for it to be made into a gift, and I still haven't found the right buttons or the right person for it, it will find its way to the right person eventually.

- Details -

Project Name: Tokyo Cowl

Pattern: Begbie Cowl by Jane Richmond

Recipient: The Box/Not Sure Yet

Yarn: Dream in Color Groovy in Tokyo Cream

Modifications: None

New Skills: None

Feedback: Easy pattern, nice yarn, but not my colors.

Re-Knit?: Only if I have a single skein of bulky yarns I don't know what to do with.

FO: Purple People Warmer

So, you know all the lessons I learned from my Apricot Jam Ring?  You can read all about it here, but basically I learned about the importance of a good warp separator, not tugging on my warp, not beating to much and how to make selveges look tidy, oh and actually doing the warp math properly so you know how much yarn you are acutally going to use!

So I took all these lessons and applied them to a new scarf, this one made out of some bulky yarn hanging around in my stash that I knew I was never going to knit because I am really not a huge fan of variegated yarns (although as I mentioned I am warming to them thanks to my Visions of Sugar Plum ... House Elves?, although that is just for socks).

I must confess, I am quite pleased with myself and the scarf because it worked and I'm starting to see the possibilities that this little loom holds within itself and my stash.

- Details -

Project Name: Purple People Warmer

Pattern: Plain Weave, 5dent reed

Recipient: Dunno, I may actually put this in the gift box because while I like it, I see more of these in the future

Yarn: Fleece Artist Big Merino (discontinued), 1 skein Purple, 1 skein Purple/Green/Brown

New Skills:

  • Doing things right!: Basically there were no new skills, I just managed to get the skills I learned last time right.


  • Yarn: It is too bad this yarn was discontinued, it would be great for weaving more Christmas scarves, at $8.99 for 100gm/100m it was a really good deal.  But I think this was a noble use for the last of the yarn.

Re-Weave?: I really like the way the scarf turned out, if I can find a comparable yarn there will be more of these scarves for gifting.