FO: Colors and Stripes

Stripes 2

I find that my loom is a perfect palette cleanser.  I haven't spent much time getting fancy with my weaving, so for it is mostly plain weave on my little loom.  It's like meditation to me, the constant rythym of up and down, back and forth gets me to a spot in my brain that I don't seem to find with knitting, which I use to challenge me and to make increasingly complex items.

I like having a project on my loom, however I find that once I sit down at my loom I don't find I get up until the item is finished.

Stripes 4

This scarf was a bit of a surprise, the warp looked great, then as I wefted with the yellow (the same yellow used in the warp stripe) it looked terrible, and like it was all yellow.  But when I cut it off the loom and washed it it magically became something really quite special.

- Details -

Project Name: Colors and Stripes

Draft/Warping Plan: I started warping with the darker purple till I ran out, then I did four ends of yellow and then warped the remainder of the loom with the lighter purple.

Recipient: The Box

Yarn: KnitPicks Palette in Iris Heather (dark purple), Pennyroyal (light purple) and Cornmeal (yellow)


  • None

New Skills:

  • None


  • Yarn: Palette has such great colors and softens nicely with a good soak, but I won't be sad to see the last of the Palette from the Woodland Winter Mitts from two years ago.
  • Draft: I'm really happy with the warping plan I was able to make up as I was setting up the loom.  I'm really enjoying learning how to use colors by weaving scarves like this.

Re-Weave?: Yeppers, but it won't be like this one, but using what I have on hand and figuring out how to make the colors work in my favor.

FO: Spectra Woven

Spectra 1

So in old news, I have a HUGE backlog of FOs.  I finished the scarf back in September and photographed it back at Thanksgiving, and I mean Canadian Thanksgiving, in October.  Yeah, let's  just move on from that and enjoy how pretty weaving is in the fall.

Spectra 2

I would talk more about the scarf but honestly, it's been more than 2 months, and I so cannot remember all the details, but based on the pictures it does look like I need to iron the scarf flat.


- Details -

Project Name: Spectra Woven

Draft: Plain Weave

Recipient: No idea

Yarn: Leftovers from Spectra-Scope

Modifications: None, what are the mods to plain weave?

New Skills: Measuring the warp properly to use up all my leftovers.


  • Yarn: Worked perfectly for the pattern, but not something I would go get again.
  • Draft: Plain weave is plain weave

Re-Weave?: Well yes, I do love a good plain weave.

FO: Fling Scarf

Sometimes a project is more than a project, when many hands are on a project it can make things more fun, in this case, this scarf got woven on by quite a few people at indigodragonfly's Haliburton Highlands Fling back in August.  I brought along my Cricket loom to expose more people to the fun of Rigid Heddle weaving.

As someone who has trouble with knitting stranded colorwork, I find that weaving is my way to play with colors and combinations, and in this case highlighting (and using up) some multi and tonal colorways from a local fiber vendor.

I think this one is going to the gift box, it is really nice, but a girl only needs so many scarves.

- Details -

Project Name: Fling Scarf

Draft: Plain Weave

Recipient: The Box

Yarn: Pondering Rock Farms Bulky in "Eggplant and Grass" and "Ochre" (The colorways are unnamed but these seemed fitting

Modifications: None, just a plain weave scarf (which I love making)

New Skills: I got to teach some people about weaving on a rigid heddle loom, which is new to me!


  • Yarn: Its rough and rustic, but I love the way the two colors play together.
  • Draft: Oh plain weave, how I love you.

Re-Weave?: Yeppers, pairing a multi with a solid makes for a great looking scarf.

FO: Purple People Warmer

So, you know all the lessons I learned from my Apricot Jam Ring?  You can read all about it here, but basically I learned about the importance of a good warp separator, not tugging on my warp, not beating to much and how to make selveges look tidy, oh and actually doing the warp math properly so you know how much yarn you are acutally going to use!

So I took all these lessons and applied them to a new scarf, this one made out of some bulky yarn hanging around in my stash that I knew I was never going to knit because I am really not a huge fan of variegated yarns (although as I mentioned I am warming to them thanks to my Visions of Sugar Plum ... House Elves?, although that is just for socks).

I must confess, I am quite pleased with myself and the scarf because it worked and I'm starting to see the possibilities that this little loom holds within itself and my stash.

- Details -

Project Name: Purple People Warmer

Pattern: Plain Weave, 5dent reed

Recipient: Dunno, I may actually put this in the gift box because while I like it, I see more of these in the future

Yarn: Fleece Artist Big Merino (discontinued), 1 skein Purple, 1 skein Purple/Green/Brown

New Skills:

  • Doing things right!: Basically there were no new skills, I just managed to get the skills I learned last time right.


  • Yarn: It is too bad this yarn was discontinued, it would be great for weaving more Christmas scarves, at $8.99 for 100gm/100m it was a really good deal.  But I think this was a noble use for the last of the yarn.

Re-Weave?: I really like the way the scarf turned out, if I can find a comparable yarn there will be more of these scarves for gifting.