Frolic and Changes

So this Knit and Crochet Blog week, was kinda perfect for me, it was a great boundary between different big events for me. Friday was my last day at work, Saturday was Knitter's Frolic in Toronto and this week I start trying to find a new job and basically consulting (for $0 an hour) on projects I was doing for work.

I had a great time at Frolic, I got to meet lots of online faces in person, like the Indigodragonfly crew (Kim, Ron, Rayna and Caryn ... Hi! See, I'm not a talking teddy bear who gives plumbing advice) and actually seeing Tanis and Chris in person.

And now, I need to look for a job and fill my days with all the projects (fiber-y and not) and stay sane till the next contract or job comes along.