I've got a fever ...

but no, the only prescription is NOT more cowbell.* I've caught the Color Infection/Affliction, this nasty disease traveled around the knitting community this past spring, being caught by notable names like the Yarn Harlot and then spread rapidly due to her blog and other internet means.  Initially I was unsure about making one, however after Carla finished hers (sorry Rav member only link), I started thinking about making one myself.

This, mixed with launch of this year's indigodragonfly Giftapalooza, was a perfect storm in creating the picture I showed you yesterday.

In last year's Giftapalooza (which was lots of fun and you should sign up, I have seen the bases and some of this year's one of a kind colors and they are pretty awesome) I received my first skein of indigodragonfly yarn (MCS Sock no less!), the yellow one in the middle, and while I liked it, it wasn't my usual color and so I let it marinate in my stash.  The pattern that came as part of the Giftapalooza parcel was nice enough, but never seemed to make it to the top of my queue.

So yesterday when I was at the studio working with Kim and Ron, all the talk of Giftapalooza made me realize that the yellow skein in my stash would be perfect in a color affection shawl, and I was in the perfect spot to get two more colors to go with it.  With Kim's help, I snagged two skeins of Ultra MCN (a 70/20/10 MCN, moar cashmere) in "Have Fun Storming the Castle" and "Bunnies, Bunnies, it must be Bunnies".  We played around with a few other colors, and I left knowing I need to find a pattern that pairs Don't Blink (a new color) with My Name is Indigo Montoya (possibly with Tweety of Versailles in there, it was used as a stand in as my skein was in Bracebridge).

According to Kim, the MCS and Ultra MCN play really nicely together so the shawl will have the same texture.  Although for my next shawl, I might have to try the new sock base, Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Sock (known as Lizard Sock or RPSLS) which is a soft, fuzzy, woolen spun MCN that made me want to hug it, and kiss it and call it George and is only available right now through Giftapalooza.

So now to wind and cast on, hopefully this is the cure to my fever, because I don't own a cowbell.

*If you don't know what I'm talking about, the full video is here.