Feeling like a traitor

Since my post about my attempt to do Spin 365, I've hardly spun.  I finished off the white-nep skein and have nice red hand-dyed fluff on the wheel that I really need to get back to. I have the first bobbin done, but I still have 3/4 of the second bobbin to go.

However, I'm feeling like a bit of a traitor, I'm more interested in doing embroidery than knitting/crocheting, spinning or weaving.

In the past week I've taken on, and finished, two of the monthly samplers from Dropcloth. I subscribed back in August, but I finally got the nerve to take them on and I'm LOVING doing embroidery.  So much so I'm not really knitting. And I feel like such a traitor.

Of course this is exactly what my goal was for the year, "Do the projects (knitting, spinning, weaving, crocheting, tatting, embroidery) I want when I want to do them" was allowing for, but I'm struggling with it.

So I'm making myself finish up my current knitting project, a pair of socks for my BIL Jim's birthday (which is next Friday), before I can start my next sampler. I know I'm not exactly embracing the "impulsive" ethos I set for myself this year, but I will get there.

Also, some other big stuff has been going on the last couple of weeks.  The first, and bigger one, is a very cool project that I'm not able to reveal yet, but y'all are going to love it as much as I do.  The other is that Jack (the cat) and I are officially family.  H]e got his neuter on Thursday and I officially adopted him from the Muskoka OSPCA (who are amazing and wonderful).

He came home from the operation completely stoned, and with a wicked case of the munchies, but otherwise no worse for wear. He has shown no interest in his surgery site so no cone of shame for him.  Although, as part of the operation they gave him a good nail clipping and he has had trouble climbing the furniture (and me!) since he got home. I, for one, am glad he can't claw his way up my body so he may find that I will be more proactive on his nail clipping in the future.

So, am I the only one who feels guilty when I don't knit as much as I think I should, or are there more of us out there?  If you do, lets commiserate, if you don't would you share your tips and tricks for enjoying your hobby without guilt so I can have some new tools when the guilt strikes.