WIP Wednesday: May 9th

So, despite all sorts of other distractions, I have managed to have a pretty good fiber week.  I warped and wove a scarf since last week and my test knit is getting to be about halfway done (I'm not really allowed to show it, yet, but the Seabreeze yarn was just too pretty to exclude).  I finally "turned' my first short row heel on my Felici purse socks, and I must confess I really like knitting the garter shortrows, no wraps to pick up.

The green socks haven't really gotten started yet, it is currently my "have to think" knit priority and once it is done I will be diving into them so I can get them done by the end of the KAL being hosted by Sweet Georgia herself.  The purple cowl has made several apperances in public and I enjoy it as it is pretty much all *SC, Ch1* making it a great knit for dinners out.

Also, I have started spinning again.  I was getting really discouraged about the yarns I was making but I spent most of Sunday, Monday and Tuesday at my desk finishing off a consulting project and I entertained myself by watching all the Interweave spinning and weaving videos I downloading both before I got my wheel (December 2010) and a few months ago.  Thanks to Judith MacKenznie's video "A Spinner's Toolbox" I am managing to spin a semi-worsted yarn and that is deeply exciting.   I split up this top braid a long while ago with the intention of spinning a fractal 3-ply .  I am going to stick with that plan, but I am expecting it to be super bulky due to my spinning style and that I am spinning it on my largest pulley.

WIP Wednesday: May 2nd


If you don't recognize much in the picture (aside from that stole I never seem to work on and the socks that live in my purse without a deadline) that is okay, I finished off a bunch of stuff in the past two weeks, including the other pair of socks and two cowls. Now time to cast on two new cowls (including one that is a test knit so will not often be featured here) and a new pair of socks (which I forgot to include in the picture).

Oh and start my warping plan for my loom, I finally found something that should work as a warp divider so I can get weaving again and after my talk about spinning at guild tonight I should have some fun stuff to put on the wheel.

WIP Wednesday: April 18th

I had a fairly busy weekend so not much fiber art-ing happened, and there have been no changes to the stole or spinning in the past week.  Both the socks are coming along although they need to speed up considerably for either pair to be finished by the end of the month. I have 8 of 12 repeats done on the cowl and so that should be finished up in a night or two of focused work.

I am nearly done with the cloth I have on the loom right now.  I am finally getting my selvages looking good and balanced between sloppy and too drawn-in.  I totally messed up the warp tension on this, however I am pressing on and learning the proper techniques (note to self, don't finger comb the warp before it is tied onto the fabric beam and get a better warp separator).

At the very top are some rolags I made this morning with the hand cards I picked up many moons ago.  I downloaded a whole bunch of Interweave videos this past week, one of which is the How I Card video that highlights 4 different handcarding techniques.  While watching the video I finally got the nerve to break out the handcards and some Cormo fleece I got from bohoknitterchic and start carding.  I am really loving the rolags and I will probably be swapping out my bobbins so that I can start spinning them.

I have heard rumors it is going to be a nasty weekend so I may get some good hands-on fiber time and finish up a few projects (and maybe start a few others, my tatting showed up on Monday).